Komeil prayer

Hereby informs the dear brothers and sisters, starting this week, the invigorating ceremony of reciting the complete prayer will be held officially and publicly in the Islamic Center of Bucharest.

This week’s program begins at 8 pm with the recitation of a prayer and continues with the Maghrib and Isha congregational prayers and a short moral lecture until 11 pm.

It should be noted that due to the continuing outbreak of coronary heart disease, the implementation of this program will be limited and monitoring health principles. Therefore, those interested in attending this ceremony should pay attention to the following points:

. Due to the necessity of the limited number of attendees, it is necessary to coordinate and announce your presence in advance by calling 0734101111. Obviously, if the capacity is full, we will be excused from accepting friends who did not coordinate before the ceremony.

حضور When attending the center, be sure to use a personal mask and observe all the necessary hygienic points such as disinfecting the hands, maintaining social distance and avoiding hands.

. Sit on chairs that are spaced apart and do not move them.

In these circumstances, the presence of the elderly, people with symptoms of fever and cold and underlying diseases and bringing children is associated with dangers and should be avoided.

It is also reminded: from Monday to Thursday, noon and evening congregational prayers are held at the center.